Arthita Ghosh

I am an MBA Candidate at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where I am the Co-Chair of the Retail and Luxury (RAL) Group and recipient of the Forte Foundation Fellowship. Previously, I was a software engineer at Tableau CRM, Salesforce, where I worked as a member of the Query Engine Team. I graduated from Georgia Tech, with a specialization in Machine Learning and Systems.

At Tech, I was a part of the Georgia Tech Database Group, where I worked extensively on the SQLCheck project, advised by Joy Arulraj. Our anti-pattern detection tool is now available as an extension on VSCode.

In what seems like a previous life, I used to play basketball for the West Bengal State Team, India and Steel Authority of India Ltd., India.

More recently, I have started writing the Kultivating Nostalgia series. Do check it out!

E-mail  |  CV  |  LinkedIn  |  Blogs

  • September 2023 → Started my full-time MBA degree at UChicago Booth School of Business.
  • May 2023 → Started writing the Kultivating Nostalgia series.
  • July 2021 → Started working as a full-time Software Engineer at Salesforce, San Francisco.
  • May 2021 → Graduated from Georgia Tech.
  • September 2020 → Received the Georgia Tech College of Computing scholarship for the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing 2020 .
  • August 2020 → Started serving as the Graduate Teaching Assistant for CS4510: Automata and Complexity at Georgia Tech.
  • May 2020 → Started Summer internship at Salesforce, working on Einstein UI as a part of Search Discovery and Insights team. I worked on redesigning and optimizing the UI architecture for Einstein Search.
  • Jan 2020 → Started serving as the Graduate Teaching Assistant for the CS6550 Continuous Algorithms, a grad level class at Georgia Tech.
  • Aug 2019 → Started my MS degree in Computer Science at Georgia Tech.
  • Oct 2017 → Joined the Engineering and Industrial Services team,TCS as an Assistant System Engineer.
  • Jul 2017 → Started working as an Assistant System Engineer Trainee at TCS Innovation Labs,Trivandrum
Selected Publications and Papers
3DSP Interactive Demonstration of SQLCheck
Arthita Ghosh, Deven Bansod, Arpit Narechania, Prashanth Dintyala, Su Timurturkan, Joy Arulraj.

47th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2021
3DSP Exploring Network on Chip Architectures Using GEM5
Arthita Ghosh, Ankita Sinha, Nancy, Arindam Chatterjee.
Keywords: NoC,Simple network,Garnet Network, Cache coherence, Snoopy protocol, Directory based protocol, GEM5
16th International Conference on Information Technology, 2017
Selected Projects
3DSP Biologically Plausible CNNs for Generated Face Detection
Arthita Ghosh, Joel Ye, Sashank Gondala.
Keywords: CNN, Spiking Neural Networks, STDP.
Computation and Brain, Spring 2021. Georgia Tech

The objective of this project is to propose a biologically plausible algorithm for modelling a visual invariant. Target class of visual stimuli is the frontal-view faces. We start with a basic CNN as motivated by demonstrations that their hierarchical feature extraction is effective and at least correlated with the brain’s visual stream. Nonetheless, we aim to improve biological plausibility, and evaluate the effects of both regularization using a spiking neural network.

Experiments and Results
3DSP Acceptometer: Conference Paper Acceptance Prediction
Arthita Ghosh, Neha Pande, Rohan Goel, Rohit Mujumdar, Sai Shravani Sistla.
Keywords: BERT, TF-IDF, PCA, Support Vector Machines, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Clustering.
Machine Learning, Spring 2020. Georgia Tech

Prediction of chances of a paper being accepted to a conference by using unsupervised methods to find patterns in the data and exploring its underlying structure, through tasks like topic-modelling and clustering.

3DSP Modeling and Clustering Genome Sequences using Bidirectional LSTMs
Neda Tavakoli, Lane Dalan, Richa Tibrewal, Arthita Ghosh, Harish Kupo KPS.
Keywords: Genome, Bidirectional LSTMs, supervised learning, deep learning.
Big Data Systems and Analytics, Fall 2019. Georgia Tech

Used Bidirectional and forward-backward LSTMs to create embedding vectors for genomic sequences. These embedding vectors were then run through various clustering algorithms to group genomic sequences to provide insight into what sequences play similar roles or can be found in similar contexts.

website | code
3DSP Virtual Private Network using IPSec
Arthita Ghosh, Beno Jeya Savarimuthu, Harrison Banh, Richa Tibrewal, Vaibhav Bhosale.
Keywords: VPN, Proxy Server, IPSec, OpenSwan.
Computer Networks, Fall 2019. Georgia Tech

Created Custom VPN using IPSec and OpenSwan hosted on an AWS Cloud Environment.

report | slides
Academic Achievements
  • Secured 98.9 percentile in CAT 2018 among 200,000 test-takers.
  • Graduated with a departmental rank 3 among 130 students from HIT-Kolkata.
  • Teaching Assistant → Automata and Complexity under Dr. Zvi Galil, Georgia Tech, Fall 2020.
  • Teaching Assistant → Continuous Algorithms under Dr. Santosh Vempala Georgia Tech, Spring 2020.

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